Wrens Class - Pre school

Wrens Class

Pre school

The new school year begins; we are looking forward to welcoming our children back into Wrens who were with us last year and are excited to introduce new friends into our pre-school setting. This term sees us exploring the theme ‘All About Me’ and we will be joining up with our friends in Robins Class lots too. 

Through our theme, 'All About Me', we will be exploring our amazing bodies, learning what they can do, how they work and naming the different parts. We will be thinking about all the ways in which we can physically move, including during our bikes and trikes sessions planned in throughout the week when we will be joining up with Robins Class in the school playground. We will have free-flow access to our outdoor area through planned sessions too. 

We will be thinking of the changing seasons and observing changes in our local community as we progress on from Summer and into the chillier days of Autumn. The children will be provided with lots of Autumnal sights including the changing colours of leaves, conkers, acorns and they will be encouraged to stop and feel the changes in temperature and the feel of the air around us. We will join up with Robins again to celebrate Harvest and we will walk with the rest of the school to St Andrew's Church where we will take our turn to stand at the front of the church with our reception friends and sing 'Big Red Combine Harvester' to the local school and wider community. Weekly library visits will begin and as we sync into a routine, children will begin to bring library books home to share with you.


Miss Smith

Mrs Hart

Mrs R Smith

Curriculum Documents

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