Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends The Norman
You will find information below for the assessments that your child will participate in whilst they are a pupil at Norman CE primary School.
National Assessments
Reception - Reception Baseline Assessment - The first 6 weeks of joining.
Year 1 - Phonics Screening Check - June.
Year 4 - Multiplication Times Tables Check - June.
Year 6 - SATs (Reading, Maths, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) - May.
School-based Assessments
The staff at school use assessments to check pupils understanding throughout their school day. They plan to meet the children's needs so that they can access the full curriculum.
If you have any questions or worries about these please speak to your child's class teacher.
The Norman CE Primary School
Tel: 01366 728241
Email: norman@trinitypartnership.norfolk.sch.uk
If you have any queries please contact our school secretary in the office on the telephone number above.
Headteacher - Mrs Anna Fisher.
SENDCo - Mrs Peate.
Email- sendco@trinitypartnership.norfolk.sch.uk
Emergency contact (for out of hours)- Cheryl Fox 07823 884957.
We are a DEMAT school please click
here if you would like to visit the DEMAT website.
School Address:
School Lane,
IP26 5NB
DEMAT Office Address:
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