Ravens Class - Years 3 and 4

Ravens Class

Years 3 and 4

This half term we will be reading the story 'Stig of the Dump' written by Clive King. We will be developing our referral and inference skills throughout this unit of work. Our English is linked to our reading curriculum and we are beginning the academic year by writing a biography on Clive King. Understanding the structure, features, purpose, audience and what person it is written in. This half term we are looking at Number and place value. We are focusing on developing our skills in understanding the place value of different numbers and using this to be able to order and compare different numbers. We will then be moving onto Addition and Subtraction improving our understanding of formal written methods. In Art we are looking at light. We will be studying how light can add dimension to a drawing and how we can create light and shadow using different drawing materials. We are looking at Spatial Sense and how compasses work as well as our local area. We are studying the human body, looking at how the digestive system works and how our organs send messages through our bodies. The children will be looking at Ancient Greece and the different city states such as Athens and Sparta. They will make comparisons between the two understanding how they were different in their values and beliefs. The children will be developing their understanding of 'reconciliation' and how Christians believe in this.


Mrs M Peate

Mrs Bolton

PE Day:


Curriculum Overview

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