Religious Education

RE Knowledge Curriculum

At Norman Primary School, which is built on a deep and long-standing Christian foundation, we provide high-quality learning to enable our children to flourish as citizens in a global community. Our Christian ethos, sensitive to those of other faiths and none, enables our children and the community we serve to flourish, as they experience religious education for knowledge, wisdom and understanding, hope and dignity,

Pupils receive an RE curriculum that enables them to acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice, this includes the ways in which it is unique and diverse. We deliver The Emmanuel Project using high-quality resources and an approach that engages with biblical text and theological ideas. Children have one extended session of RE taught a week. 

Pupils during Religious Education Lessons will...

• learn about religions and world views and their impact on individuals, communities and the wider world.

• develop the religious ‘literacy’ needed to discuss issues of faith and belief in today’s society.

• experience a safe space for them to consider their own ideas and demonstrate respect for others.


"It was good when we had the God and the Big Bang workshop (RE) . There were two people – the lady believed that God made the world and the man was a scientist and believed that the world was made from dust and particles. We did lots of experiments and talked about whether it was really science or whether it was a miracle!" 

RE Long Term Cycle 1 RE Long Term Cycle 2 RE Statement of Entitlement
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